...Is it expected that the West Bank will remain as it is and there
...What is the use of a dialogue when India has officially annexed Kashmir? Why
Is this conference part of the deal of the century? Or is it a
I have a question about the method of Prophethood for establishing the Khilafah.
...Did the Taliban fall after these long years of jihad in the American trap?
...When the owner of livestock feeds his livestock for most of the year of
The Khilafah will not seek Help from America, Britain or other Colonialist States to
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#FreeOurSisters #FreeSisterRomana #FreeDrRoshan
Don't Vote in Democracy as it is a Sin and Let Democracy Finally Die
...for the Re-Establishment of the Khilafah on the Method of the Prophethood
...Are All Steps in the Series of Reviving the Regime’s Structure!
The destructive 18-year war waged by the US under the pretext of “War on
Donald Trump's administration unveiled its so-called "New African Strategy" on Thursday, 14 December 2018,
Its Legacy is only Poverty and Hardship of Living
...and a Political Crime that Confirms the Regime's Treachery and its Subordination to the
The Islamic Ummah is a living Ummah, it can get sick but it does
Pakistan today is gripped in intense debate over the hold of the International Monetary
Communiqué: On the anniversary of the Fall of the Khilafah, on 3 March 1924,
Pakistan, Khilafah and the re-unification of
It is not a hidden fact that today
...Must Work to Re-Establish Khilafah (Caliphate) on the Method of Prophethood
..Is it not now the Turn of the Khilafah (Caliphate) on the Method of
...the Pure Muslim Lands of Occupied Kashmir, Raising the Flag of the Khilafah over
... for the Sake of Trump and the Hindu State
...so Colonialist Plans, Companies and Creditors Advance at Our Expense
The simmering conflict between Pakistan’s armed forces and the Pashtun Protection Movement (PTM “Pashtun