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The regime plans to create a rift between the people and the army


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

O Muslims of Syria!

The regime plans to create a rift between the people and the army, so do not allow it to succeed; the Khilafah is the only way to protect your blood and your rights

The Syrian regime fabricated a scenario based upon the presence of outside infiltration, pushed by foreign forces, firing randomly at protesters with the objective of creating a discord between the people and the army (statement of interior ministry of the former government, 09/04/2011), and the presence of an armed rebellion carried out by armed groups of Salafi organisations under the banner of Jihad, and seeking the establishment of an Islamic emirate, groups which the regime described as ‘terrorists’ (statement of the interior ministry of the new government, 18/04/2011). On the basis of this fabricated scenario, Syrian regime has carried out another massacre in Deraa on 25/04/2011, and these developments indicate their intention to use decisive military and security operations in the regions of the protests, area by area, and the use of excessive force to break the will of the people to rise up against the regime.

Hence under the pretext that there are Salafi groups who are intending to announce an Islamic emirate, a statement was issued by the military on the behest of the Syrian regime mentioning that, “…in response to the calls for help from the citizens and people of Deraa and in return to their appeal to the armed forces for necessary intervention to stop the killing, destruction and fear perpetrated by extremist terrorist groups, military units have begun intervening this morning [Monday 25/04] in Deraa in order to return calm, peace and normal life back to the citizens.”

As for the details of how life would return to normal, the reality is that the electricity and communications have been totally cut off from the city in order to isolate it and to hide what the security forces intend to carry out of massacres. As a matter of fact, these forces have already fired haphazardly at people, hitting water tanks, killing tens of people and injuring many more. They have arrested hundreds for interrogation in order to extract information about those who are leading the protests, so they in turn can be captured.

The above reveals the plan of the Syrian regime which is to sow the seeds of discord between the army and the people, and exposes its intent to use the army on its side to confront the people under the pretext of fighting ‘terrorism’. This fact is strengthened by the stance of the regime towards the huge protests, such that it said regarding them that they were only a few people hired to cause trouble. The regime said this so that it could justify to itself and to the rest of the world the merciless killing of the protesters.

What the Syrian regime claims is pure fabrication (the like of which Assad the father raised his son upon). Such events are not surprising coming from a regime which is completely exposed and known for its oppression and brutality. None follow it except those weak souls who are after material gain. The reality is that there are no foreign infiltrators, nor are there any armed rebel or ‘terrorist’ groups. Rather there are sincere protestors, amongst whom are men, women and children unable to resist the tyranny of this regime except by confronting it through such protests. This is evident from the reality of everyday events in Syria.

In light of this evil plan of the regime to sow discord between the Ummah and her brothers and sons in the army, we address the sincere (officers and soldiers) in the army, for the sake of Allah, the Exalted, with the following:

· Before everything else, the Syrian regime is an enemy of Allah, His Messenger (saw) and the believers. It wants to use you as a tool to suppress your own people and brothers who are from the Muslims of Syria.

· It is not allowed that you obey the commands of this regime in killing Muslims, for this is a major sin. The Messenger of Allah (saw) said, “There is no obedience to creation in disobedience to the Creator.”

· It is the regime which ordered the killing of army officers and soldiers, not the people. The signs of torture found upon some of the dead bodies are a clear indication of this fact that the cause of their killing was their refusal to submit to the command of the regime to kill the people, which is the opposite of what the regime claims.

· The regime is gradually trying to create a rift between the army (officers and soldiers alike) and their families, so that it becomes easier for the army to execute their orders. In this respect it is vital that the soldiers know that by this evil plan of the regime, they are killing the families of their fellow soldiers.

· The regime wants peace with the Jews. Many a time al-Assad (both father and son) have declared that peace with ‘Israel’ is a ‘strategic choice’ and that they want the ‘peace of the valiant’; hence the boastful claims by the regime that it is a regime of opposition and resistance is nothing but a deception that carries no weight.

· The regime has not used its army to fight a single war which would give them the honour of liberating the land of Palestine, let alone the Golan Heights, upon which the Jews roam around and live as they please. On the contrary, the regime has used its army in fighting other than their own wars in Lebanon and Iraq for the interests of its masters America, and now it uses them internally to kill its own people under the pretext of ‘fighting terrorism’.

The regime has weakened the army as well as its armaments and established from them private forces and republican guards (from which is the fourth brigade led by Maher al-Assad), there from forming a strike force to protect the regime against any coup attempt which the army itself may undertake, and it has spread the suppressive security forces to keep a surveillance on the army, just as they keep a watchful eye on the people.

· What is required from the army (officers and soldiers) is not merely to flee and disobey orders for the sake of disobedience, and therefore exposing themselves to being killed. Rather what is required is a sincere planned action for the sake of Allah (swt), His Messenger (saw) and the believers, undertaken by the sincere officers, in order to take authority and give it to the sincere and aware believing group so that it can establish the Khilafah Rashidah which rules by Islam, declares Jihad and annexes the Muslim lands to unify them.

In contrast, the Muslims of Syria must know that it is not allowed from them to take up arms against the Syrian army because they are there fathers, sons, brothers and uncles. By doing so, they would be facilitating the plan of the regime to exploit the army for its own gains. It is upon the people to work to bring the army on their side, as a force working for them against the regime, for indeed the army has multiple reasons to rebel against the regime and to stand with their people.

The people must also know that if they attack the army they are foregoing the ability to possess that power which will aid them in changing this wretched regime, and at the same time they are falling into the trap placed by the regime to cause discord between the two sides (army and people). Likewise, it is upon the Muslims to advice, rather command their sons, brothers and fathers in the army not to submit to the orders of the regime to kill the people, because this is one of the major sins, which attracts the wrath of Allah, the Exalted, upon them in this world and the hereafter.

O Muslims and army officers in Syria,

The Syrian regime has nothing for you other than criminal plots and plans and it has resolved to suppress you, so do not allow it to succeed. It is only Islam that will protect the blood of the Muslims and non-Muslims in Syria, just as it protected it in the past when the Christians of Homs stood with the Muslim armies, in the days of Khalid ibn Walid (ra) against the Roman armies, even though the Romans were of their own religion. Bilad al-Sham is blessed in the book of Allah (swt) and is promised in the ahadith of Rasulallah (saw). So, only with Islam, the army and the people must protect the blood of each other, and with Islam the people must confront the regime, and with Islam the people of power from the army must support the sincere group which works to establish dar al-Islam by establishing the Khilafah Rashidah.

O Muslims and army officers in Syria,

Syria is an Islamic land, and nothing but Islam is befitting for it, so stand firm in your will upon pleasing Allah (swt), the Exalted, by supporting His deen, and you must know that there is no true solution that deals with the problem from its roots, except for what Hizb ut-Tahrir calls you to. This is the true call which requires sincere determination and souls pure upon Islam…to this Hizb ut-Tahrir calls you, sincerely for the sake of Allah, reminding you of His (swt) saying,

]يَاأَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوا اسْتَجِيبُوا لِلَّهِ وَلِلرَّسُولِ إِذَا دَعَاكُمْ لِمَا يُحْيِيكُمْ[

O you who believe, respond to the call of Allah and to the Messenger when they call you to that which gives you life” (al-Anfal: 24)

Hizb ut-Tahrir Wilayah – Syria

22 Jumada al-Ula 1432 AH

26 April 2011 CE